Discovery Series Explores Pinot Noir
The pinot family of grapes is diverse in color and in flavor. Get to know your pinot!
Know your pinot.
Pinot, a link to the ancient history of wine.
Pinot noir is an ancient grape variety, known to mutate easily, dating back to the first century CE. Pinot’s name derives from the Latin pinus, a reference to pine or pinecones, due to the tightly packed shape of the grape clusters on the vine.
Know your pinot.
The pride of Burgundy.
Pinot noir most famously hails from Burgundy, France, being the sole varietal responsible for its famous (and expensive) red Burgundies, but due to its tendency to mutate and adapt to changing environs, the pinot name is associated with a “family” of grapes.
Know your pinot.
Pinot, a family of varietals.
Pinot noir, pinot grigio/gris, pinot blanc and pinot meunier are the common grape varietals that include pinot in their names and lineage. Which pinot will you share with your family tonight?